Bug Watch


I have created this section, dedicated exclusively to keep track of those annoying SwiftUI bugs. I will maintain a list of the bugs I come across. I’ll try to keep them updated, include workarounds when they do exist and stackoverflow.com links if available. When they eventually get squashed, I’ll include the version in which that occurs.

If you have a bug that would like to be included, please send me an email. Don’t forget to include the full code required to replicate the problem. Keep it as minimal as possible, for easier understanding.

To improve chances of these bug getting resolved, I recommend you file a bug report with Apple and mention the number of my report as well, so they can easily link them together and realise they are the same.

The current list is not too long, but we’re just getting started…

DescriptionWorkaroundChecked On
Contents inside GeometryReader use a different alignment in different iOS versions. Read MoreNot ExactlyXcode 12
beta 4
Using the VideoPlayer view in some macOS versions may result in a crash. Read MoreYesXcode 12.2

The following issues have been resolved:

DescriptionFixed On
UIViewControllerRepresentable: UIViewControllers created by the UIViewControllerRepresentable are leaked. Read MoreXcode 11
beta 5
SegmentedControl bad behaviour when inside a VStack. Read MoreXcode 11
beta 5
Path is broken and will crash your app. The issue is disclosed in iOS 13, beta 5 release notesXcode 11
beta 6
Text().lineLimit(n) is ignored when used inside a ScrollView. Read MoreiOS 13.1
The NavigationLink initializers shown below, have a back button erratic behavior. Read More

iOS 13.1
AnimatableModifier will not animate inside containers, such as VStack. Read MoreiOS 13.2
MatchedGeometryEffect: Anchor points in non-source views does not respect the view size. Read MoreXcode 12
beta 4
MatchedGeometryEffect: When two views share id and namespace they are matched, even if none of them is the source. Read MoreXcode 12
beta 4
Using “#if available” inside a ViewBuilder, crashes when selecting the fallback option. Read MoreXcode 12
beta 5

18 thoughts on “Bug Watch”

  1. I’m having trouble with Beta 5. The basic code in GeometryReader is crashing on the .fill(Color.blue) statement. It doesn’t like the type being returned.

    Thank you your explanations, when GeometryReader starts working again it will be very helpful!

    • Thank you! And by the way, GeometryReader works fine with beta 5. The problem is with paths, and because .fill() will paint a path, that is why you get the crash. However, if you use GeometryReader in any other way that does not involve paths, you’ll be ok.


  2. I came across the following unexpected results.
    Text(“email”) gives you “Email”
    Text(“code”) gives you “Code”

    There are probably a number of other words “they” want to control.
    The work around is to put a leading blank space.

    Great articles BTW

    • I have not seen that behaviour, but perhaps it depends on device settings. Nevertheless, have you tried:


      Try using it on the Text() or on in its container.

  3. tried Text("email").autocapitalization(.none) but it does not work.

    It is to do with the actual words “email” and “code”, it works for other strings.

  4. wow amazing, it is due to the localization.
    It probably means that SwiftUI automatically do the localization, replacing text that it finds in the Localizable.strings files. Thanks for finding out.

    • The way this works is that various View types which can take a literal string argument resolve that literal string to the type LocalizedStringKey. I imagine that if you intended “email” not to be localized, you could instead pass it as a var String:

      struct MyView: View { var notLocalized: String = "email" var body: some View { Text(self.notLocalized) } }

      would do as you expect.

  5. The “Text(…).lineLimit(…) inside a ScrollView” issue was fixed in the iOS 13.1 timeframe. I believe the navigation link issue was fixed around then as well, because I’ve not encountered it when using the isActive: APIs.

  6. In XCode 11.3.1 (and earlier) NavigationLink has so many bugs:
    1. It doesn’t work within buttons;
    2. It doesn’t work in gestures
    3. In List, even if the row is split into 2 parts via HStack, NavigationLink will capture the whole row’s button click

  7. This simple Alert that works on ALL other platforms… on Mac OS it causes DUPLICATE BUTTONS.
    This is true for both 10.15.6 and the latest 10.16 beta. 🙁
    My guess is this is a Catalyst SDK bug in the MacOS libraries…

    let send = ActionSheet.Button.default(Text(“Open Settings…”)) {
    if let appSettings = URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString) {
    UIApplication.shared.open(appSettings, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
    let cancel = ActionSheet.Button.cancel(Text(“Cancel”)) {
    // game over – nothing else to do

    return Alert(title: Text(“Network Error”),
    message: Text(“Server not connected.”),
    primaryButton: send,
    secondaryButton: cancel)


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