SegmentedControl Bad Behaviour

Fixed on Xcode 11, Beta 5

When SegmentControl is inside a VStack and one of the segments is tapped, it may show more elements than it should. For a better understanding, see the screen capture:

Bug Report: FB6806169

Workaround: Yes, see below.

Last Version With Bug: Xcode 11, Beta 4.

Stackoverflow Question:

Sample Code

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView : View {
    @State private var selectedSegment = 0
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            SegmentedControl(selection: $selectedSegment) {
                Image(systemName: "hammer.fill").tag(0)
                Image(systemName: "house.fill").tag(1)
                Image(systemName: "desktopcomputer").tag(2)
            Text("Selected Segment: \(selectedSegment)")



By encapsulating the tab view, the problem goes away:

struct ContentView : View {
    @State private var selectedSegment = 0

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            SegmentedControl(selection: $selectedSegment) {
                TabItem(image: "hammer.fill", tag: 0)
                TabItem(image: "house.fill", tag: 1)
                TabItem(image: "desktopcomputer", tag: 2)
            Text("Selected Segment: \(selectedSegment)")

struct TabItem: View {
    let image: String
    let tag: Int

    var body: some View {
        Image(systemName: image).tag(tag)

1 thought on “SegmentedControl Bad Behaviour”

  1. A variation of this bug seems to still exist. To trigger it, simply toggle light/dark mode. With the code below, toggling Darkmode will add an extra “Scribble” to the segmented control. Note the Picker doesn’t need to be in a VStack, and unfortunately your workaround doesn’t work on this bug.

    struct ContentView: View {

    //MARK: picker
    @State var settingsMode = 0
    var settings = [“paintbrush”, “scribble”]

    var body: some View {

    Picker(“Stroke/Color Settings”, selection: $settingsMode) {
    ForEach(0 ..< settings.count) { index in
    //TabItem(image: self.settings[index], tag: index)
    Image(systemName: self.settings[index])


    .frame(width: 70)


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