WWDC 2020 finally arrived. I bet you are excited with all the new toys we’ve been given. I sure am!
In the upcoming weeks, I know I will be busy updating the blog. Both revising all articles and writing new ones. I will be also updating the Companion for SwiftUI app, to make sure it includes all the new additions of this year’s event.
Please bear with me while I get all this sorted, as I don’t want to rush and publish too many errors or misconceptions. In the meantime, I encourage you to comment below, and tell me what topics of the new SwiftUI version you find more puzzling or difficult. What subjects you think would be nice for a new article.
In the meantime, here’s the list of all the SwiftUI related WWDC2020 videos with their links and durations:
Awesome, I’m really looking forward to your content. I still see (major) people from the community publish stuff on Twitter as “
” that you posted on your blog months ago (like the AnimatableModifier). Keep up the fantastic work!
This is such a fantastic blog!
One thing which I would love to figure out is how to apply a fragment shader (ideally a transition shader) to a SwiftUI view (or a pair of views). I’m wondering if there is a way to get at the underlying metal backing…
I have the effect system shown in this video working in SpriteKit, and I am trying to migrate it to SwiftUI:
Hi Javier, thanks for the blog and Companion App… one thing I felt was missing from SwiftUI in 2019 was the ability to disable pixel alignment for views contained in a container such as ZStack (this would make SwiftUI a possible backend for SVG and other vector tools).
If you have encountered any ways around this (except for the obvious to embed a UIView/NSView as a represented object), this would be a great article
I second the request for how to do some sort of vector editor type thing in SwiftUI. They kept using it as an example, but I can’t find the code anywhere…
Great blog. The thing that I am most interested to see is how to do a complete app navigation in SwiftUI. Not just the basic push new page style but more an analysis of how I translate my traditional UIKit app with all it’s different controller types and things like “press twice on a tab to go to root view” mechanics.